
Sunday, November 22, 2015

Legos movies

A LEGO Brickumentary is a really great movie from what I had watched. It had shown the aspect of how Lego can be work in many ways. I can say that this documentary is about how Lego is formed since many years ago. There is one character who is a Lego person, who tells the Lego city from times to times telling us each part of what will happen next. In this movie, There are around 60 % of the movie linking to the real part in our world of who made what Lego, Let me just tell you some then, There is one man who had worked in NASA Company before who had helped design the Mars rover a few years ago. After he had finished this project at NASA. As he is a lover of Lego since young, He had the thing of the idea of making a Rover out of Lego! So he uses many of his Lego parts from each of the set he has to make it into a Rover which is had been successful with it. So he had decided to upload to the Lego website where people can vote and click like on the project. The Rule of Lego is that if there are more than 10K people who had actually clicked like on! That project will be in the market of Lego. So do you think that this Man who had design the Lego Rover will reach at least 10K? I will tell you later on this post then. In this documentary, there are so many people who had talk about this movie from kids to old people. There is another project that Lego had made from the documentary is that they had built the world largest Lego. And had been held at Times Square in New York. This is a set from the original version is the Lego star war. The full name of it is the Life-Size X-Wing Star fighter. As off 2015, IT is still the largest one and is now. I can't really say where it is now though but from what I know, It is back to be in Europe already. Let’s go back and talk about this before I will go to bed tonight then. The rover as what we had talk in the middle of this blog post, It had reached over 10K in less than a year. I did forget to mention that for this competition, there is a limited of days too. For example, the new one that is up online right now on the website is the Vintage Tram where there is already 3714 likes (supporters) and there is around 510 days left, So that is quite a long time so I would believe that this new project will be released on the market soon! Back to the rover again. I would say that I really want to buy this pack until today, But as I am in Thailand, I can’t really find it yet, So if I do have a chance of finding it, I will buy it for sure as it is a really good toy that this man had built. I can say that writing about what I had felt in my writing task topic proposal is another great one I had done as I had put quite some effort and my feeling into the writing too. 

Cr photo =

Friday, September 25, 2015

English in many ways.

The English that I find different in places from Asia to Europe to USA. Each of the tone has varieties of sound and how we hear it. There are many way to say for example on how the people speak and how they write. For example the British and WE don’t always spell the same. For example Mum in UK and Mom in us or for example another one is Colour in the UK and Color in US. That is one of the main idea of how the language are different in spelling and how they are use in different part of the world. 

I had a friend who is a British citizen who loves to talk to me, and the way that he chats like a British style. He use most of the word as in British and as we know, British people are you detail, He don’t even like to use slang for example GN which means good night, He will type the full thing always which inverse for me as I am in US curriculum school, I don’t mind that much in chatting with friend, I would mostly use GN and ETC on my chat but if it is a formal writing, We do all write in fully.

Now let’s talk about the sound of how each country and cultural speak. If we know about Chinese people, I would say that they like to speak loudly. Where ever they go, they will speak loudly in Chinese language in Vis versa, Japanese tend to speak a lot softer when they are together, and same as Thai, Some Thai speak so soft that another person almost can’t hear a thing. That is how the culture are different. This is about the tone of how people speak, so they will speak almost the same tone as in English but English tend to be a soft language too.

They sound of how we speak are all different, for example, some Thai who can speak English just abit, they tend to speak in Thinglish, and so some foreigners will have no idea on how some Thai are speaking. That is some of a bilingual languages that we mostly often notice in Thailand. Another English that sometime I have trouble with are the British, Example last time I went to a summer course in UK, and they told me my stair cast is 13, But what I hear was like 30 or somehow as they speak really fast.

So languages have different type of how we use it on our daily basic. AS what we had read in some poem, Languages are all different in different part of the world of from writing to speaking to toning.

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Artifact (LEGO)

What is Lego? Why is Lego Artifact? It is plastic! We still use at Lego even we are still in High school or what? How? Let’s start then!

Lego is a toy that we play since we are young, some kids play Lego since they are 1 years old with big block type, Lego has a lot of type from big blocks to original blocks type. Let me start abit about myself then. I can’t really remember when I had really started playing Lego but I believe that I started around 3 years old with the Lego City version. The first type I got was a mechanical car which is quite hard to make and manual was so long.  After a few years pass by, I brought a Lego plane (Lego city), and then a Lego Cargo plane. The most that I spend on Lego before was a Lego cargo ship which was quite expensive on that time. I still spend more on Lego with many other city type versions which are still use until these days. However it is not the same as what I brought since the beginning, it is change to be something else like a speed boat which I made from many Lego parts from varieties of set.

I would still say more from what I notice about what people like to take about their artifact is Computers! I would like to say about computer abit, Does computer is what we use since we are young? Like when we are 3 years old? I would say that, not all kids do play. Another example is when u fly on a long hauls flight, for example from Thailand to Europe. Mostly the flight is around 10 to 14 Hours. From what I had done a research before is that kids will not be on their phone for the whole 10 hours or more. They will be on less than 1.5 hours and get bored. That is why most airline have small toys like model planes, some cards and ETC to make passenger especially kids not get bored, Some kids do bring Lego on board the plane too, to play, Some rich airline have a small area for kids to play too.

Lego can be used in many ages. From Babies to elder people. So let’s start from babies, babies use Lego to make their imagination and to help their brain to think a lot more. Kids use Lego to have fun and have more imagination too. Most teen nature, I would believe is they will not use for playing for sure but will use Lego to make projects for school until university. Some university still use Lego to make robot arm to make a test and a lot more things they can do to make things go better with what they will actually make it, however it is like a mock up model. Elder people will use at their old age to help their brain stay strong and healthy.

Even though at any age, you can you use Lego to play on your free time to make creativity things from what we buy from the set box to things that are not in the set box. For example I made a long speed boat from many sets in to one. Sometime am even more creativity, I put in some motor fan in to make it goes if I put in the pool which it really work and I am so happy about that. So I think you might know what I am trying to say in this artifact,

Conclusion abit is that it can be any type of artifact for example it is made from plastic, it’s a toy and ETC. So there are many things we can say just about one artifact, down below is an example of some of the Lego from internet and from me. 

Friday, August 28, 2015

The Horizontal Stabilizer and the cockpit.

In the most interested thing I would learn and still learn on myself, Is all about aviation topics from ground to sky to mechanic and so on. So I think I will talk about horizontal stabilizer for today.

The horizontal stabilizer or the same as an elevator is a part of the plane at the tail. It is use for controlling the aircraft's pitch, and the angle of attack. This photo in here is an Elevator of the A319.

The stabilizer is a fixed wing section whose job is to provide stability for the aircraft to keep it flying straight. The horizontal stabilizer prevents up-and-down, or pitching, motion of the aircraft nose. The elevator is the small moving section at the rear of the stabilizer that is attached to the fixed sections by hinges. Because the elevator moves, it varies the amount of force generated by the tail surface and is used to generate and control the pitching motion of the aircraft. There is an elevator attached to each side of the fuselage. The elevators work in pairs when the right elevator goes up, the left elevator also goes up. This slide shows what happens when the pilot deflects the elevator.

There are so many things we can even talk about this part, but I think I will talk abit on the other part, for example the cockpit, where If people don’t know what they are for, people will say that there are to many buttons but in fact, I can say that, It is not that complicated at all, It is all categorize in to set. For example the overhead where there are over 30 to 40 buttons, They are in group for example the light will be in one set, The fuel control is in another set, and plus these day plane are so advance that they can fly by them self or as we normally call them auto pilot. Even the speeder or what the aviation people will call as a throttle, next to it is a flight computer manage, that is what they use to make route for each time they fly which is not hard to set at all even I do know how to set already at this young age. If you guys want to know more about aviation you guys can leave a comment and I will try answer all the question you want!